Dear Friends,
Over the past few months, I have been overwhelmed by the outpouring of encouragement for me to run for re-election for the South Carolina House of Representatives, District 39. After many weeks of prayerful consideration and discussions with family and friends, I have decided to seek re-election.
As many of you know, I suffered a traumatic injury 15 years ago at the age of 24. That accident left me paralyzed and had a profound effect on my outlook on life. Make no mistake, the days and weeks that I laid in the hospital bed, unable to move my legs, were the darkest days of my life. Yet faith, and support from so many of you, allowed me to overcome the physical limitations and emotional scars left that day. That life changing event taught me about the fragility of our existence, the resolve of the human spirit, and the necessity to live without regret – to give everything in all we do, to speak with sincerity in our hearts, and to live for the betterment of the people around us.
It is from these experiences in which I view our small corner of our state and see a need for a legislator who will fight to lower our taxes, limit the size and scope of government, eliminate wasteful spending, protect our second amendment rights, end the burdensome regulations on our small business owners, and, most importantly, bring meaningful representation to the citizens of Lexington and Saluda Counties.
Achieving these goals will not be easy, yet it can be done. It will require the dedication, steadfastness, and perseverance of a fighter; not a politician. I am that fighter capable of bringing about the conservative change we need.
I ask for your support and prayers in this great challenge.